In 2006 Kibbutz Shomria's population increased dramatically in size due to the acceptance of new members from the nearby community of Gush Kaf. This influx of inhabitants prompted the Kibbutz to search for a cost-effective decentralized wastewater solution for its wastewater, instead of pumping the wastewater away to a centralized facility and buying fresh water.
In 2008, the kibbutz selected Triple-T to design the aerobic stage of its wastewater treatment plant. This system needed to be capable of handing a mixed stream composed of wastewater from the municipality, dairy farm and a nearby army base. This solution would replace Shomria’s existing wastewater plant consisting of oxidation ponds, which consumed enormous amounts of land.
After conducting a technology assessment, in which Triple-T compared the performance and economics of various different treatment systems, the Kibbutz selected TAYA due to its low lifetime costs, ease of operation and treatment ability.
Over the last three years, the TAYA system has provided Shomria with a reliable means of treating their wastewater, while preserving their land and significantly reducing their operational costs to 25% of conventional wastewater treatment plants.